Tenda Teachers Program

The Tenda Teachers program promotes evidence based teaching and learning strategies where students are encouraged to think critically and creatively.

How The Program Works

Project Zawadi employs six Teacher Training Coordinators who work closely with government officials to deliver the Professional Development Program to primary school teachers in the Chamriho Division.

  • Our Coordinators share the modules with Ward Education Officers (WECs) and District Quality Assurers. The modules, all in Swahili, include video clips of Tanzanian teachers demonstrating best teaching practices in local classrooms, instruction on the new strategies, opportunities for teacher discussions and reflection with peers, quizzes, and testimonials.
  • The modules are delivered to all primary schools in the Chamriho Division by WECs and Tenda Teacher Coordinators.
  • The program encourages teachers to practice the strategies so that they can embed them into their everyday teaching.  They are sent text messages to check in about the strategies they are using.
  • All teachers are observed by our Coordinators during each module.
  • Teachers meet to discuss their experiences using the new strategies and to share ideas about using them.
  • Our team works with the District Education Officer, the District Academic Officer, the district Quality Assurers and the WECs.  They all have an important role to play in implementing the program.
  • Continuous professional development is provided for all our coordinators so that they continue to improve their knowledge and skills.