Chakula Challenge Update
In 2014, the Vocational Training Centre (VTC) opened its doors to boarding students, providing a safe environment for students to pursue their studies. A kitchen, dining area, water collection system and food storage were urgently needed to provide clean, safe meals.
In the Fall of 2014 we initiated the Chakula Challenge and by the beginning of 2015, we had the funding in place to begin this significant project.
At long last the Chakula Challenge is complete and it’s a wonderful thing!
Yes, it took a little longer than we anticipated but that is only because we waited to receive training on how to use our new incredible eco-brick presses before we started construction. It was important that we used the new presses. These bricks are stronger, better- looking and cost less than traditional bricks. Furthermore, this new process is eco-friendly because NO tree are cut down to bake mud bricks.
Click here to see a video of the brick making process.
![Chakula Challenge in Process](
Brick by brick, the Dining Hall and Kitchen are coming together.
The interior of the Dining Hall and Kitchen during the “finishing” phase of construction.
Completed! Dining Hall outfitted with tables for studying and eating. Celebratory “Fanta” at inaugural meal.
Thank you to everyone who made the Chakula Challenge possible!
“Kaete’s Kitchen” – Kitchen sponsored by Fred & Kaete Binter
Thank you to our Lead Donors!
Platinum: Fred and Kaete Binter, Sandra and Peter Williams
Gold: The Benroeck Family including matching funds from Microsoft, Mike and Paula Champion, Clayton and Janice Kooiker
Silver: Bruce and Jackie Erickson
Bronze: Roger and Maureen Osborne, Betsy Parks, Azim Rawji and Robin Van Liew, Megan and Barrett Ellis, Marion Wanless and David Eidenberg, Robin Huselius and Maria WallstedtAdditional support from: Ron Aminzade, Tanya Barnett and Jay Geck, Bill and Lisa Callahan, Penny Greenblatt, Jane and Kirk Grimm, Dennis Hamann, Barney and Janet Lee, Phil and Nancy Leinbach, Gary and Carolyn Martyn, Mitzi and Fred McCormick, Amy and Joel Nesset, Jeffrey and Mary Perril, Lorrie and Ken Porte, Jackie Prince, Ben and Brandi Roberts, Michelle Skally and Jim Doilney, Rebecca Skally and John Stanley, Shannon and Chad Skally, Michael Talbot and Jim Glenn, Mark and Paula Tanabe, Hallie Vavrus, Thomas Wilebski