2015 Eco-Challenge

2015 ECO-CHALLENGE BACKGROUND: Project Zawadi makes a promise to each of our students when they enter into sponsorship that, as long as they put forth their best efforts, Project Zawadi will support them in their education for as far as their studies take them. Once a year, we ask PZ donors to help us keep…

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Teach for Tanzania

NEW INITIATIVE by IAN KEITH: TEACH FOR TANZANIA Dear Friends and Family, I am writing to ask for your support for the Teach for Tanzania (TFT) projects. This summer I conducted teacher trainings and co-taught in Tanzanian rural schools. This effort generated the TFT projects to improve teaching and learning in Tanzanian schools. I am directing this effort in collaboration with Project Zawadi and a Tanzanian leadership…

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2016 Project Zawadi Donor Trip Announced

We invite you to join the 3rd Annual Project Zawadi Donor Trip…                         Mark your calendars for this special opportunity! Join PZ founder, Brian Singer, on his 2016 visit to Tanzania where you will spend 13 days exploring Tanzania on safari in the spectacular…

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“Max”-imize your Gift by Giving on November 20th!

As a Minnesota-based non-profit, some of our supporters may be surprised to NOT see Project Zawadi participating in this state’s big giving day today.  So why not?  Board member, Jim Hartmann, expressed things well when explaining why he chooses to donate directly to the charitable organization instead. “Why I WILL NOT be contributing to my…

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The Chakula Challenge

UPDATE: CHALLENGE COMPLETED! In 2014, the Vocational Training Centre opened its doors to boarding students, providing a safe environment for students to pursue their studies. A kitchen, dining area, water collection system and food storage are urgently needed to provide clean, safe meals. Please consider a secondary gift towards the Chakula Challenge this year (Chakula…

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Universal Children’s Day – November 20th

SAVE THE DATE – THURSDAY, NOV. 20 After a phenomenal response last year (over $40,000 raised in one day!) Project Zawadi is again embracing Universal Children’s Day as our annual giving event day. So mark your calendars for Thursday, November 20 and look for updates via mail, email and social media on how Project Zawadi will…

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Welcome to Innocent Mshana

Project Zawadi is pleased to welcome Innocent Mshana as the new Zinduka Vocational Training Centre director.  Over the past three years, Project Zawadi has cooperated with our community partner, Zinduka, to promote and support the development of a local, high-quality vocational training center in Nyamuswa.  The Zinduka VTC provides additional opportunities for training in the…

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Mazera’s Road Trip to Tanga

Though Nyamuswa is right on the doorstep of the Serengeti, most PZ students will never have the means to visit this World Heritage Site or any of the other national park treasures of Tanzania.  But PZ-sponsored student Mazera did have the opportunity to visit both the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater National Parks in January.  In…

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Zinduka Visits the Tanzanian National Assembly

Zinduka Chairwoman, Muse Mwisawa, spent last week participating in the Civil Societies’ Organizations National Exhibition at the National Assembly in Tanzania’s capitol city of Dodoma. Muse, pictured here with former prime minister Edward N. Lowassa, was representing the good works of Zinduka on a national stage. Hongera, sana (big congratulations) to Muse and the entire Zinduka…

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Throwback Thursday – Dotto and Kurwa

From the vaults of PZ for Throwback Thursday #TBT.  Meet Dotto and Kurwa, twin brothers that began as sponsored students with Project Zawadi way back in 2002.  Today, Dotto and Kurwa are both pursuing a high-level architectural drafting vocational program at the same school in Dar es Salaam and well on the road to successful…

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