“Max”-imize your Gift by Giving on November 20th!

Max Madoro, Executive Director of Zinduka Development Initiatives Forum - Project Zawadi's community partner organization in Tanzania

Max Madoro, Executive Director of Zinduka Development Initiatives Forum – Project Zawadi’s community partner organization in Tanzania

As a Minnesota-based non-profit, some of our supporters may be surprised to NOT see Project Zawadi participating in this state’s big giving day today.  So why not?  Board member, Jim Hartmann, expressed things well when explaining why he chooses to donate directly to the charitable organization instead.

“Why I WILL NOT be contributing to my favorite causes through Give To The Max Day.  I got my annual email from Give To The Max Day, encouraging me to give on Nov. 13, or to avoid the rush by going to the GTTM site and giving now.

I encourage you all to give to the max – but if you really want to have the MAX effect – give directly to your favorite causes, While GTTM has helped generate enthusiasm, it isn’t exactly clear that a hefty piece of your donation does not go to your selection – it is retained by GTTM which is itself a non-profit.

Nothing wrong with supporting the Give to the Max organization if you want to – but if you want all of your donation to go to the non-profit of your choice – give it directly to them and skip the middle man!”

So what to do?

November 20th is Universal Children’s Day.  The spirit of this day naturally resonates with the mission and purpose of Project Zawadi.   We have adopted it as OUR day of giving and we hope that you will all join us!  Again there is a generous 25% match for all donations and pledges received by midnight on November 20th.

Project Zawadi is encouraging our donors to either directly mail checks to us, or if electronic gifts are preferred to migrate either to Dwolla (an e-check service similar to Paypal but charging only a $0.25 fee per transaction), or Network for Good (if you are international or prefer donating via credit card to utilize Network for Good which gives donors the choice of assuming those processing fees or passing them along to the recipient organization).  Both of those links are available on our website in the  bar on the righthand side at www.projectzawadi.org.

All donations to the sponsorship or general fund are eligible for the match if you can do one of the following things:

  • Your mailed donation is postmarked by 11/20/2014 (just like when you mail your tax return) – or
  • You have a pending transaction via our on-line giving partner Dwolla (we can see pending gifts even if they don’t clear for a day or two) – or
  • Send an email to donate@projectzawadi.org and let us know your gift is coming (deadline to receive the pledged gift is Dec. 31) – or
  • Post a pledge on our Facebook or Twitter page (it’s just like emailing us but better because you are spreading the word) – or
  • Or just give us a call at 866-589-6116 (we would love to hear from you)